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2 Etgar Street
Tirat Carmel, North 3903213
Company Contact
Ruth Bridger
Marketing Director of Assistive Products
+972 (0)77 320-4102

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  • How BeHear makes my life sound better
    Brenda Guy, a middle school teacher in the United States, recently sent us her testimonial about Wear & Hear assistive hearing products. Due to the pandemic, Brenda Guy, a middle school teacher in the United States, was restricted in her efforts to procure a hearing aid. She searched for a stop-gap solution and discovered the BeHear NOW and BeHear ACCESS headsets. After a short e-mail exchange with Wear & Hear personnel, wherein she sent in her recent audiogram and learned she was in the Wear & Hear "fitting range", she decided to purchase both models. While she may eventually need hearing aids, she claims that as the headsets exceeded her expectations she is in no hurry to switch.