CES 2021 Jun Zhi integrated Taiwan's top research teams to develop SAA Cancer Screening Services

TAIPEI, Jan. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Jun Zhi, a Taiwan-based biomedical team, developed the SAA Cancer Screening Service. This service detects early-stage gastric and colorectal cancers. The service was created by leveraging Taiwan's top research teams at Academia Sinica, National Tsing Hua University, National Yang-ming University, and Kaohsiung Medical University's Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital.

Cancer is frightening but not incurable.

"There is a high survival rate when cancer is detected in its early stages. However, Stage III and IV still account for  40~60% of initial diagnoses. … We need a fast, comfortable, highly accurate, and reasonably priced gastric and colon cancer screening service."

Cancer is a major disease that threatens human life and health. Although cancer screening-related technologies and services have been available on the market for many years, their accuracy has been criticized, and cancer is almost impossible to detect in its early stages.

The key to effective cancer treatment is early detection

Jun Zhi developed SAA Cancer Screening Services by integrating top research teams from Academia Sinica, National Tsing Hua University, National Yang-ming University, and Kaohsiung Medical University's Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital.

It only takes three minutes to draw a tube of blood and, after purifying exclusive nanoparticles, we can target and analyze trace amounts of SAA in the blood. The protein is analyzed using mass spectrometry, and self-developed AI biological interpretation software is used to analyze for the presence of cancer.

In its current stage of development, SAA Cancer Screening is able to detect gastric cancer and colorectal cancers. In actual clinical tests of thousands of people, the test for cancer stage I and stage II returned a sensitivity of 70%. Compared to traditional screenings that have an overall accuracy rate of less than 40% and even lower rates for first and second stage cancers, SAA Cancer Screening Services provides a better choice.

Taking advantage of a more accurate SAA Cancer Screening Service

Protein-based methods of cancer detection merely count total amounts. We use the Pioneer Nanoparticle Mass-spectrometry Analysis Technique invented by Academia Sinica, which purifies the exclusive nano-particles, analyzes the distribution of all SAA protein isoforms, and conducts big data AI analysis. Therefore, we can precisely understand the cancer condition in an individual.

SAA is a protein named Serum amyloid A. The presence of cancer or inflammation increases the concentration of SAA in the blood. The SAA protein, however, comes in a wide variety of forms. Our body produces different DAA under different circumstances as well. Thus, we can detect the presence of cancer by identifying the proportion of each isoform using Nanoparticle Mass-spectrometry analysis.

Taiwanese biotech startup at its best

JUN ZHI is a biomedical team from Taiwan based in the Southern Taiwan Science Park & National Biotechnology Research Park. By integrating top research teams such as Academia Sinica, National Tsing Hua University, National Yang-ming University, and Kaohsiung Medical University's Chung-Ho memorial Hospital, we developed the SAA Cancer Screening Service, which is able to detect gastric and colorectal cancers in their earliest stages. This innovative biotech product helped convince Taiwan Tech Arena (TTA) to select JUN ZHI as one of the 100 featured Taiwanese startups showcased at CES 2021.

CES 2021 TTA-VR Pavilion: https://pse.is/3bu4vk


For further information: Taiwan Tech Arena, Ms. Daphne Lien, Cell phone: +886-983-084-791, Email: dlien@taiwanarena.tech; Betty Hsu (TTA), betty@taiwanarena.tech